What is Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. It can vary in severity and may cause discomfort, limited mobility, or other complications depending on the individual.
Most of us might not even know we have a mild case of scoliosis. Even if our spines are straight, we can have imbalances in our hips. I urge you to release the idea of 'normal' and 'abnormal'. Our babies usually find their way if we give them space unless you've grown up with a serious lack of nutrition and really deformed pelvis.
This is also why active labour is almost always the best way for us to help bring our babies down and out.
Real Case
I had Kelly come to me about Birth Support services. Caveat: She had severe scoliosis. I had never worked with anybody with scoliosis however I did understand that babies can navigate different bodies. Kelly and I formed a connection instantly. She shared her X-rays so I could satisfy my 'engineering' mind about the movement of baby. She also had her doctor's approval to have a natural and vaginal birth.
To increase her chances of birthing naturally, she understood she would do it without epidural. So she took childbirth preparation classes; Hypnobirthing - The Mongan Method specifically.
She practiced relaxation regularly. She also ensured she was nourished for birth - all the minerals, probiotics and vitamins as well as labour supporting teas. She did perineal massages to prepare her Perineum. (Spoiler alert: She only had a 1 degree tear.)
Hypnotherapy started labour
Understandably she was somewhat anxious before her birth. Nothing was happening as she neared her EDD.....which as we know is only an estimate. Nevertheless, she came in for a hypnotherapy session...and that night, she started having contractions. It was far apart but it was coming. The next morning, she was frustrated at the lack of progress. I came in to do some body work and hypnosis.
She calmed down... Then things started going... It started to get intense. When we went into hospital at 9:30pm, she was 4cm dilated....baby was still pretty high. Even with the shower, she was screaming into the surges. The back labour was excruciating... This is usually a sign that the baby is back to back with mom. Being on her knees helped and hypnosis in between bouts of surges helped to ground her.
At 2am, She was 7cm and baby was still positioned pretty high and asynclitic. At 5am, baby was still high even though she was 9cm dilated. We had to make a call to use a manoeuvre to bring baby down.
It worked.
Baby moved down and soon...
7:22am, baby was born. 10 minutes later, the Placenta. No need for synthetic oxytocin post birth.